Paparazi was tailing Sunny while she was driving her way home for dinner. Thus, accusing Sunny's fans stalking her.
"Lee Hyeonhee from TV Report is accusing Taiwanese fans of stalking Sunny, even though she said it was reporters."
"Lee Hyeonhee from TV Report is accusing Taiwanese fans of stalking Sunny, even though she said it was reporters."
[Sunny's Twitter] (you can't see the tweet anymore, she deleted it)
I'm driving, on my way to my parents' house in a long time. I'm not used to driving, so I'm not good at tailing people off. never mind the fact that I'm scared and worried. if you drive like that, others will get into accident because of you. There's nothing to get from me (like dating). So stop following me around.
Sunny eonni![[泪]](
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