Wednesday, December 11, 2013

No way~

Butts Posted by SoshiBUTTS at 8:25 PM
Source: Sports Chosun via Naver

KARA will be attending the 'DSP Festival' on Dec. 14th, a 22nd family anniversary concert for DSP Media. It might be their last performance as a group. Media is curious about whether they'll make an announcement there. The three questions they're curious about: 
1. Has Nicole crossed a river she can't turn back?

2. Why hasn't there been news of Jiyoung's contract renewal?
3. Is it possible to keep KARA together as a group?


1. [+309, -40] No one cares about this group other than hardcore KARA fans. They could go years without releasing an album and nobody would notice. So many damn articles talking as if the status of KARA's disbandment is impactful at all to the industry.

2. [+223, -35] Don't care. Weren't they over?

3. [+179, -28] Who are they even that we have to care about a big announcement from them. They'll figure out how to put food on the table on their own. 

4. [+147, -30] So when's the disbandment?

5. [+47, -9] Don't care

6. [+35, -7] They can't disband because their Japanese fans don't want them to. In Korea, no one cares. 

7. [+32, -13] WG, KARA, they're all disbanding in order of their debut dates... is the next Soshi.

7. [+32, -13] WG, KARA, they're all disbanding in order of their debut dates... is the next Soshi.

7. [+32, -13] WG, KARA, they're all disbanding in order of their debut dates... is the next Soshi. the next Soshi. the next Soshi. the next Soshi. the next Soshi. the next Soshi. the next Soshi. the next Soshi. the next Soshi. the next Soshi. the next Soshi.



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