Friday, November 15, 2013

Taeyeon’s Biggest Fan

Butts Posted by SoshiBUTTS at 6:14 PM
Basically what happened was there are certain rules when it comes to registering at a fan cafe. You have to fill out a application with some of your details. 

What Tiffany did wrong was you have to enter your Korean name and Tiffany entered Stephanie Hwang instead.

Then you are meant to write five words explaining your feelings about that celebrity. Tiffany wrote more than five words on several occasions lol. In that cap she wrote "Kim-Tae-Yeon-Hwa-i-ting" That is six words and considered spam by the fancafe.

Instead of changing it to fit the rules she just wrote more stuff like Taeyeon ♥! so eventually she got taken off because she didn't register properly and didn't fix the errors she made.

cr: redsol @ soshified
cr: screencap to k-sone


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